Basic Activities
  • To establish and run the institutions for and to organize association of reach the present generation in the path of peace, patriotism and to enlighten them in the developing scientific sphere.
  • To co-operate with the government and other service oriented organizations sparing no effort in the eradication of poverty, social injustice, unemployment, illiteracy, terrorism, etc.
  • To enlighten, civilize and channelize the down-trodden tribal's with meticulous and specific care.
  • To group all the institutions irrespective of any cleavage behind them to form a federal motivation of permeating the society with mutual fraternity and universal brotherhood.
  • To provide peaceful, sufficient and homely shelters for orphans, widows, old age people and other shelter less, where they will be taken care with sincerity and enthusiasm.
  • To utilize the guidance, participation and financial assistance from the established national and international organizations such as W.H.O., UNICEF.
  • To collect, manage, invest, disburse and deal with the funds of the Trust raised by receiving donations, conducting benefit programmes or by any other legal and moral means and to collect and receive the gifts of all kind from the individuals of the aims and objects of the Trust.
  • To join and or / affiliate or cooperate with, takeover, amalgamate with or absorb any other institutions or society having objects similar to those of this trust.
  • To own purchase, lease, construct, manage and transfer any building or part thereof, any other movable, immovable property or carrying out the objects of the Trust and permit any of the buildings and properties to be acquired or hired by the Trust to be used on such terms as it may deem fit for meetings, lectures, discussions, exhibitions, dramas and for the achievement and in furtherance of the objects.
  • To raise loans for this purpose of carrying out the objects and purposes of the Trust from the Local authority Nationalized banks, Credit Corporation and / or Government etc., so as to create funds for the trust.
  • To enter into any legal business (or) commercial activity of mainly non-profitable nature and if any profit arises that will be utilized for achieving the objects of the Trust.
  • And to do all other incidental and useful necessary things that are essential for the attachment of the above objects.
Medical Activities
  • To provide free medicines, food for poor patients, education and uniforms for poor children.
  • To provide free eye and blood medical camp, encourage sports meet, vehicles for disabled persons, ambulance services.
  • To establish hospitals inclusive of disease study and research centres, pharmaceuticals along with prompt coherence of developing technological measures in the medical field.
  • To organize special training centres for mentally retarded and physically handicapped so as to assure them a safe and satisfactory survival.
Educational Activities
  • To form a group of intellectuals in the fields of general education, economics, science, technology and spiritualism to guide the diligent and the aspirants in the respective fields.
  • To collect manuscript, palm-leaf scripts, books, magazines, journals, research with an exhaustive collection of universal wisdom.
  • To organize free programs for the poor and down-trodden to spot out their skills and assist them for graduation, projects and other achievements in all useful fields.
  • To establish the educational institutions starting from kinder garden covering the fields of medicine, engineering, law, management studies, computer and information technology, building up an infallible career skill in students assisted by sports, music, yoga, meditation, etc.
Financial Activities
  • To give financial help to needy widows and orphans for the purpose of their maintenance, medical treatment and education specially in arts, crafts and promoting cottage industries so as to enable them to earn their livelihood.
  • To provide financial assistance to the deserving institutions having similar objectives of the Trust.
  • To conduct seminars, conferences and practical workshops so as to derive fruitful concepts in all necessary walks of human life, universally applicable and eternally relevant.
Nature Calamity Activities
  • To co-operate regarding the remedial measures in the calamitous of famine, flood, water scarcity, war, etc.

  Saadhanai Charitable Trust is registered under sec.12A(a) of the Income Tax Act,1961.

  Saadhanai Charitable Trust is registered under sec. 80(G) of the Income Tax Act,1961.


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